ISARIC REDCap: Database Access & Data Entry Guide
1. Scope
Databases hosted on the ISARIC instance of REDCap
2. Purpose
The purpose of this guide is to ensure:
- that the database is accessed only by delegated study staff,
- that study staff are familiar with the functioning of the study database,
- that data in the database is secure.
3. Responsibility
The principal investigator is responsible to determine who has access to the study database. Study staff are responsible for protecting their access credentials, entering data to the database, and ensuring the accuracy of the data entered.
The ISARIC REDCap databases are accessible at
Request for access to a database
Access to a REDCap database must be approved by the Site Principal Investigator (PI) or an individual delegated by the PI.
Individual Account
Access is granted to individual staff members. Accounts cannot be shared, and passwords must be kept secure.
To request access to a REDCap database, an email must be sent by the site PI or their delegate to the Central Coordinating Office (CCO) at
The request must include:
- The name of the database
- The first and last name of the individual
- Their email address
- Their data entry role
- The name of the site the individual should be assigned, if relevant
Once access is granted, the new user will receive:
- An automatic email from REDCap containing a username, a temporary password, and the link to access the database
- An email from the CCO including their site code
Upon first login, users will be prompted to set a new, secure password.
Logging into ISARIC REDCap
Go to the link will be in the email you are sent

Accessing Your Project

REDCap side bar

Viewing the Record Status Dashboard

Adding a new record (participant)

Incrementing the PIN

Entering Data – Radio Button
Entering Data – Checkbox
Entering Data – Dropdown fields
Entering Data – Missing codes
Fields that have a blank/missing value may be marked with a custom 'Missing Data Code' to note why the value is blank. These missing codes may be used to aid in data analysis by specifying why a field lacks a value
Saving a form
There are different options for saving a form
Viewing a participant Record Home Page
Data Entry – results out of range
Some questions have a validation rule for data quality (e.g. value out of a specific range).
Data Entry – adding Repeating Events
The Daily form is a repeating event: the form can be repeated as many times as needed e.g for first day of hospitalisation, second day of hospitalisationetc…
Data Entry – Navigating Repeating Events
Data Entry – adding Repeating Instruments
The Medication form is a repeating instrument: the form can be repeated as many times as needed e.g for each medication taken to treat the pathogen
Data Entry – navigating Repeating Instruments
From a Medication Form
From the Participant’s Record Home Page
Deleting data - Forms
Deleting data - Events
Deleting data - Entire record (participant)
Navigating between several site (DAGs)
Some users may enter data for several sites and are assigned to several DAGs